Sunday, 13 March 2016

Week ending 13/3/16

Monday I went to the track with my dad but managed to squeeze a roller session in before it.
On Tuesday I did the usual roller session at rugby.
On Wednesday I didn't do anything.
We had a big roller session on Thursday with Finn, Josh and Jack on oovoo and me, Ed and Harry at my house. We did a set of Russian steps and then a couple of sprints after.
Friday was bike washing day but before I did that me and my dad did an evening ride.
On Saturday I had my second race, this time at Darley moor. I was 3rd and pretty pleased with how I'd ridden because I did lots of attacks. Then we did a road ride after the race on some really steep roads and we did 1 and a half hours.
I had the Beeston track cluster on Sunday and again I was put in the advanced group which I think I've  already settled into. In the first session we did the usual warm up riding around the blue doing half lap changes then lumps and bumps. In the next session we did threading the needle so the back riders had to move through the group then a really fun but hard activity called jail break  where the rider in the middle of the nine riders has to get out in ten laps and I failed. The last session was the hardest we did half lap catches then a fifteen lap burn up at the end.

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