Thursday, 21 April 2016

Week ending 17/4/16

On Monday five of us from the team went to mallory in the rain o practice our short time trial efforts.
Tuesday was the first mallory race of the season of the season and as I predicted before Jed went of early and took someone with him but back in the group there was lots of attacking but on the last lap I did one last effort then got myself ready for the sprint where someone went way to early and couldn't hold it but I still had one rider in front of me then with about 75 metres to go I came round him and finished second.
On Wednesday night I went to the first preswold session and we did some little gear sprints and a couple of drill which I didn't really find challenging enough.
On Thursday I did two sets of Russian steps on my rollers then went mountain biking with Ed around mallory.
Friday I had a day off because I was getting things sorted out for tomorrow's race.
On Saturday it was another race at darley moor. I was doing alright until one attack that I tried to close down and did close but then a counter attack went and I couldn't stay on and another rider couldn't as well so we worked together to try and get back on but I then got a really bad stitch and I could hardly ride so I had to pull out with 1 lap to go
We did a cafe ride on Sunday to the beehive and I only did two effort but weirdly for me these ones where uphill efforts and I then team I'm the one who least likes hills.

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